So I just thought I would post for those of you who havent seen me yet to let you know that I overcame my little chicken inside me. I finally succumbed to the wishes to cut my hair off. All nine inches to be exact. I have to say I was really nervous the day before, and was still in debate over if I really wanted to get rid of most of my hair. Why is it that hair has some emotional connection to us? I cannot figure it out.
After the initial "chop" of the hair I felt as good as I could. I would go to play with it and nothing would be there to twist around my finger. Emotions decided to check in at that point. I think the worst day was the very next day when I washed it, I started to cry when I felt like, "I looked like a boy!" as I balled to Rand.
Still I am getting used to it, but I have to confess that its super nice to get ready faster than I did before.
I have now enetered the short girls hair club... the sad pictures are below:
Here is the after, and as you an see I am a little unsure of how I like it, lets just say its growning on me.
Never Say Never
1 week ago