
Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Okay I have a confession.... I watch the Bachelor. I know you are all SUPER surprised right?! That is what I thought.
Moving on, Let just say I think Tenley was WAY to good for him. She deserves someone who doesn't think Vienna is cute in anyway, shape or form!! Someone who loves her awkward dances she does for them, Someone who loves that she "fell out of a fairytale" or "dreams in cartoons". Regardless of what they all say I honestly think she is better off without him. We all wish the best for you.
Come on girls who didn't already think that he would choose Vienna? I know I deep down I wanted Tenley but knew he would choose.... well you all know "Horse teeth Vienna." that is what Rand calls her.
How does everyone feel about Allie being the next Bachelorette?! I personally liked her only because she always gave Vienna crap and was willing to tell it to her face! I think she has a lot of balls to do so. Wait can a girl have balls? Anyway you all know what I am getting at. Let me know what you thought if you watched any of it... ha ha..

6 thoughts:

Laci said...

I agree with EVERYTHING you said. Jake just doesn't deserve Tenley.. how could someone who says that he was always told he is the "good guy" or "too perfect" go for Vienna??!?!?!?! I don't buy it. He is not the man he made himself out to be. And I think his family was TOTALLY faking it when they "All of the sudden" liked Vienna?! Are you kidding me?! Yeah right. I think he probably told his family off camera "Listen, I am picking her, so you better start liking her" because how IN THE HECK did they just all of the sudden change there opinion of her, when I feel like their first impression was DEAD ON.

And as far as Allie-- I agree, I liked her b/c she didn't put up with Vienna, but in my opinion, I think Tenley should've been made the next Bachelorette. I think she is WAY cuter (is that bad that I judge?) :/ And I dont know... I'm just not as big of an "Alli" fan as most are I guess. I'm kind of indifferent I guess. Oh well~ I will probably still watch :D

Haha, is that enough "thoughts" for ya? LOL! Sorry to write a novel!! :o)

Carly said...

Tenley might dream in cartoons... but she is seriously darling! She is too good for jake. I still can't fathom that he chose Vienna. I'm a little pissed. Oh well. Lookin forward to May to watch Allie.

Taylar said...

I love to watch the bachelor! it's like one of the best shows on TV! I was so mad that he picked Vienna she needs some serious help! And it was like Tenly just came out of princess book! She was way to perfect!
And Ali, I think it's good that she is the next bachelorette because she will actually get her way this time, instead of Vienna getting her way! I can't wait for the drama next season with Ali and the guys!

Anonymous said...

Ok I've always been the BIGGEST bachelor fan! Not a huge fan of Jake. I think he's awkward and I know Tenley can get better than him. Vienna is simply retarded! "If you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you I'm a really sweet girl." Who the crap seriously says that? She is so dang immature and WEIRD!! They're both weird and deserve each other.

Jessie and Brody said...

Boo Vienna. She's lame. On the reunion after the finale,Jake totally looked a lot less classy then the tv show made him look.

KO said...

I'm still bitter... and mad at myself for always getting sucked into that stupid show, only to be disappointed by their choice. Ugh. Allie should be interesting... guess I'll have to watch ANOTHER season:)